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 What's your best story about getting pulled over?

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Social Butterfly
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PostSubject: What's your best story about getting pulled over?   What's your best story about getting pulled over? Icon_minitimeTue Aug 10, 2010 2:14 am

My best story was a few years ago.

One day Jake, Landon, and myself decide to go to a Danville Dans baseball game to meet up with my buddy Thomas Morgan and hopefully meet some ladies. Well that didn't happen but my buddy Thomas's hot little sister invited us over to her friends house to go swimming later that night after the game.

When we got there it was late, a little cold, and none of use had swimming trunks. But we all no that when you have a Hottie that is wearing almost nothing and about to get really wet you don't say no. So I went swimming in my shorts and underwear along with my buddy Thomas's friend Josh and these two girls (Jake and Landon decided not to go swimming and just sit there and watch lol). By the time we got done it was like 2A.M. and I was suppose to be home at 12 and I had a few missed calls from my mom wondering where the hell I'm at.

So we all go to get in the car to leave (me driveing, Landon in the passenger seat, and Jake in the back seat) and I tell them that I'm sorry but I am really cold and I'm going to take my pants off and just drive home in my underwear. We get out of Danville and are going down 74, I had just got off the phone with mom and I was in trouble so I needed to get my ass home as soon as possible, I was almost to the Indiana state line doing about 80~85 in a 65 when I pass a cop and he decides to pull me over. He walks up to the car (I am still in only my underwear and I have two guys in my car this can't look good) and ask for my license and registration. He then asks me if I know why he pulled me over and I say is it cause I was speeding, and then I ask if I can roll the window up a little bit because I'm cold and he says that he can see that (DICK). He then ask where I'm going, where I came from, and why I'm speeding so I tell him the whole story and then he goes back to his car.

He comes back to my car and gives me my stuff back with a warning ticket and tells me that lucky for me he made a deal with the other cops a little while back that if he pulls a guy over with just his underwear on and other guys in the car he would not give them a ticket. Landon says to him, "dude are you serious." The cop says no he is just joking and tells me to go home and drive safe.

So I guess the moral of this story is if you are going to drive fast and you have your buddies with you do the right thing and take your pants off so that you don't get a ticket!
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Senior Forum Member
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What's your best story about getting pulled over? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your best story about getting pulled over?   What's your best story about getting pulled over? Icon_minitimeTue Aug 10, 2010 11:54 am

I will never forget that night. lol Great times!
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Social Butterfly
Social Butterfly

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What's your best story about getting pulled over? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your best story about getting pulled over?   What's your best story about getting pulled over? Icon_minitimeTue Aug 10, 2010 12:27 pm

I bet the cop never forgets it either!
Do you think he tells people his version of the story to his friends too?
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PostSubject: Re: What's your best story about getting pulled over?   What's your best story about getting pulled over? Icon_minitimeTue Aug 10, 2010 12:45 pm

Yeah probably. lol
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Forum Creeper
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What's your best story about getting pulled over? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your best story about getting pulled over?   What's your best story about getting pulled over? Icon_minitimeWed Aug 11, 2010 11:04 pm

I've been pulled over before, but one telling a cop to stick it where the sun don't shine

I was crusing to the track on 41 towards morocco. Two friends were racing ahead of me. I'm going maybe 70 in a 65. He whips a u turn and I assume he's going after them. Nope. Pulls me over. I hand him my license and registration and all that fun jazz. He asks me why he stopped me and I said I had no idea. Told me I was "racing" and trying to keep up with the cars in front of me. I denied but didn't do me any good. So as he was at his car writing that ticked I thought back to my law classes and a few things clicked. When the ticket is issued, they are required to write the type of radar used to nail you and can show you the reading if you request so. I ask politely to see the scanner, and he says no. I ask him what radar he used and to which he replied laser. He gave me the ticket and thats what he wrote. Now laser radar is highly effective at measuring speed-when you are in a stationary vehicle. The cop was moving. So didn't make sense. I asked him a few more questions and told me I needed to pipe down. I grabbed my phone, turned on the voice recorder and told him to say that he would not let me look at the radar gun, and affirm that he did use a laser gun to clock my speed WHILE MOVING. He asked why and I said I'm just gathering evidence for my case when I come to court. He refused to, but unfortunately for him I had been recording the whole converstation. He asked if there was anything else and that's when I started to play the recording back. Halfway through he grabbed the ticket, ripped it up, threw it in my lap, and said have a nice day.

Best one was arkansas. Got pulled over for "speeding" but the underlying reason was being from indiana. Everything was cool untill he pulled me out of the car and said he smelled marijuana smoke and would have to search the car. He questioned me, asked where my friends were from, wanted to know if they would say they were from the same place, etc. When he searched the car, he threw all my shit on the side of the road and I had to chase it down because of the wind from the highway. He thought I was running and told me to freeze and get on the ground. I complied because I did not want to experience a 9mm slug for senior spring break. So I lost some paperwork in my car-no big deal. After the search he asked why we were down here and didn't believe that teenagers would go south for spring break. After he had called me a liar several times to my face I had had it. He said that he was going to have to take the car in to be searched further. Well he was bluffing and ended up finding nothing but two cartons of cigarettes and some porn (they sell porn at gas stations everywhere in texas so how could I not buy some? Laughing ) After being on the side of the road in thiry degree weather he finally decided to let us go. He said we had no point to be in arkansas to which I told him to shove it because I was tired of being harassed for being a drug smuggler and threatened to go to headquarters to little rock to report this incident. After that we were on our way. Needless to say, the Arkansas State Police Department recieved four angry letters a few weeks later from parents, my buddy, and myself about the experience. We all recieved letters back that he was no longer a patrol officer and was now working at a county jail. Karma is a bitcher
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PostSubject: Re: What's your best story about getting pulled over?   What's your best story about getting pulled over? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 15, 2010 8:41 pm

nice maynard and mitchell now i understand completely what you wrote on brians thread after i read yours
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Attention Seeker
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What's your best story about getting pulled over? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your best story about getting pulled over?   What's your best story about getting pulled over? Icon_minitimeThu Nov 11, 2010 7:58 pm

Thanks to thomas every time i got pulled over by krout he says didnt i pull you over and right u a ticket because ur cuzzn wouldnt stop laughing...
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What's your best story about getting pulled over? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What's your best story about getting pulled over?   What's your best story about getting pulled over? Icon_minitime

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