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 Battle of the boosted

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Attention Seeker
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Battle of the boosted Empty
PostSubject: Battle of the boosted   Battle of the boosted Icon_minitimeSun Jan 02, 2011 12:52 am

So as most of you know I have a friend with an 06-07 mustang "boss". It's a 4.6l v8 with internals and a supercharger @ 10psi. Well he was dyno'd at 560hp. So naturally I've wanted to run em. A David and galieth match if you will. Well we tried he was 1/4 throttle trying not to spin well I laid into it spinning straight into 3rd. And pulled not a true run. Well a couple of weeks have passed and I hung out with him the other night and were cruisin the freeway and I got him to run em. We took off from 45 he hit late so I jumped out and I managed to hold him off til about 120. He backed off still about a car and a half behind me. He would have left me once he'd of passed but we were runnjn out of road before our exit. I blame his loss on the fact that his car is an automatic and that I will push it to the limit. Lol. I asked if he was really on it and he did infact tell me he was. From a dig and after 120 I don't stand a chance. (if he can hook).
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Battle of the boosted Empty
PostSubject: Re: Battle of the boosted   Battle of the boosted Icon_minitimeMon Sep 19, 2011 9:52 pm

i can not believe you actually admitted to not being the fastest car out there!!!!
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