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 03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet

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2 posters

Posts : 354
Join date : 2010-06-20
Age : 32
Location : Covington, IN / West Lafayette, IN

03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet Empty
PostSubject: 03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet   03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet Icon_minitimeMon Mar 14, 2011 2:29 pm

Here's the picture I snapped. Good times and met a few people from Lafayette area even.. Hopefully some bigger meets will pop up over the summer!

Also, Nick -- get the pictures of our stickers on here. I want to show everyone our new horsepower-adders!

03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet P1030083
03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet P1030084
03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet P1030085
03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet P1030087
03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet P1030090
03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet P1030091
03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet P1030092
03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet P1030093
03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet P1030099
03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet P1030100
03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet P1030095
03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet P1030097
03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet P1030102

Ones not posted on IndyRPM forums:

03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet P1030101
03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet P1030098
03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet P1030096
03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet P1030094
03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet P1030086
03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet P1030088
03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet P1030089
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Forum Creeper
Forum Creeper

Posts : 402
Join date : 2010-07-02

03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet Empty
PostSubject: Re: 03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet   03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet Icon_minitimeMon Mar 14, 2011 7:06 pm

dude I'm soo chopping that last photo of you to yumadbro?

Salts what happened to the rims?
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03/13/11 - IndyRPM meet
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