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 Almost squashed old man.

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2 posters
Attention Seeker
Attention Seeker

Posts : 245
Join date : 2010-06-21
Age : 33
Location : Where ever I stay

Almost squashed old man. Empty
PostSubject: Almost squashed old man.   Almost squashed old man. Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 5:06 pm

One day me and celicatildeath was bored and decided to race. we went out to a sertain raod and ran them a couple of times. We was about even tel he hit lift in 2nd or third. after two or three times we decide we was going to do it one more time just to see how I did without him hitting lift. bad idea some old man ran out while we are booken and he stood in the middle of the road. I was way ahead of brian because he saw the guy first and I was like man My car does good when he isnt hitting lift, but then I saw the guy and slamded my front end on the ground. he started walking to us and we looked at each othe kinda laughed and brian took off like a bat out of hell. I then wipped my car around layn rubber all the way down the road. we drove all the way to covington and then back to bullits house. fun times fun times.

That was a race with a celica and a intrepid. 220 bhp intrepid. fun car piece of sh** but fun car...
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Attention Seeker
Attention Seeker

Posts : 180
Join date : 2010-06-26
Age : 35
Location : Veedersburg

Almost squashed old man. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Almost squashed old man.   Almost squashed old man. Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 6:16 pm

You got lost I should have sent you a gps for Christmas
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Almost squashed old man.
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