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 Sweads attempted bullet manouver

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Attention Seeker
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Sweads attempted bullet manouver Empty
PostSubject: Sweads attempted bullet manouver   Sweads attempted bullet manouver Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 8:16 pm

So one day Jeremy and I are out cruisin we'd been topin his car out I'm assuming we were tryin to blow the motor. So were on 41 goin to my house and he decides to try and be like me and take that turn at almost 45. The only difference is is that I would go into the turning lane for Masterguard then cut back across both lanes and book ass onto my road well he forgot to get all the way over. Not to mention that my car was made to do that and I had tires tha were for handling he was in an intrepid with 3 different sizes of tires and they were almost bald. So he tries to make this turn we understeer like no other slam into the side of this hill I had to take a Duce before we hit then almost shit in he car cause the seatbelt locked. So after we got it to my house the car dies cause he knocked off the serpentine belt ad dented the he'll outta the front bumper. Epic fail. Lol. But he did have a crappy ride.
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Attention Seeker
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PostSubject: Re: Sweads attempted bullet manouver   Sweads attempted bullet manouver Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 8:20 pm

yeah I was pissed off that day and we was headdn back from kingman and I was going like 115 and i just tapped the breaks and turned and yeah we had to of hit that at like 60 haha. she made it home to
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Attention Seeker
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PostSubject: Re: Sweads attempted bullet manouver   Sweads attempted bullet manouver Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2010 8:27 pm

this is what bullet looked like when he almost shit himself..... affraid
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PostSubject: Re: Sweads attempted bullet manouver   Sweads attempted bullet manouver Icon_minitime

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